Thursday, November 30, 2023

All Those Who Labor: Enduring Obstetric Violence In Sri Lanka

Photo courtesy of Western Hospital

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

In Sri Lanka, motherhood appears to be publicly venerated: the country is called The Motherland, and mothers are universally regarded as a powerful force and influence in the lives of their children.

Yet when we look beyond the happy family pictures regularly presented to us at Sinhala and Tamil New Year with prosperity and abundance equated with fertility and progeny, we become aware of the negative experiences endured by women in Sri Lanka in the process of giving birth.

For many women, their experience of childbirth is unnecessarily traumatic and difficult, both physically and emotionally, due to the shortfall in sensitivity training and empathy on the part of the doctors and nursing staff involved in the Obstetric and Gynecological sectors of the health care industry. Gestational violence is a terrifyingly real experience for many women and it is one endured in silence because it is suppressed in cultural shame.

Many women educated in Sri Lanka are brought up in relative ignorance of the workings of their own bodies due to cultural stigma and repression of female awareness surrounding sexual matters and this lack of accurate information as part of sexual education leads to unwanted pregnancy and teenage or underage pregnancy. In addition to this knowledge gap, the lack of social progressiveness and openness in matters of romantic and sexual relationships offers a poor foundation for the stable creation of families.

It is ironic and sad that the very process of becoming part of the creative energy of life and the growth of expanding a family, which we believe should be joyful, instead becomes a violent and isolating experience for women. The personal experiences of women who undergo these ordeals require empathy on the part of the reader for the myths to be challenged and deconstructed.

A graphic example is that of Kanya D’Almeida, whose harrowing story was first publicly told in an episode of Shhh! Talk About Taboos, facilitated by Shanuki De Alwis, which was screened on YouTube. She describes her ordeal.

I birthed my son in a private hospital in Colombo, in a labor room that resembled a medical supply closet. I had a clear birth plan in place, which I’d discussed with my obstetrician months in advance of my due date: a vaginal delivery without medication, pain relief or surgical intervention, following – as much as possible – the physiological cues of my own body. That meant allowing for spontaneous labor and labor progression, spontaneous breaking of my waters, mobility during labor, pushing out my baby without the need for an episiotomy (cutting of the perineum) or forceps and spontaneous delivery of the placenta.

What transpired in the hospital was the opposite of what I’d planned. My labor was induced, for reasons I am now unsure were medically necessary. I was put on a Pitocin drip, a drug that stimulates artificial uterine contractions. I was subjected to a non-consensual vaginal exam by a male doctor. And I ended up with an epidural, a catheter, a fetal monitoring machine, an episiotomy, an attempted forceps delivery and finally a vacuum extraction of my son. I missed the golden hour – he was taken away from me at birth. I did not get to deliver my placenta or see it as I’d requested. And after my doctor had stitched me up, I was left alone in the labor room shivering uncontrollably, unable to walk, and feeling like I’d just barely survived a disaster.

At no point during this ordeal did I get any emotional support from the so-called care providers around me. Besides that one nurse, whose shift ended halfway through my 24-hour labor, no one took the time to answer my questions or to heed my concerns. Not one person spoke to me with kindness or respect. At every stage, I was instructed to wait, to submit and to comply to the doctor’s orders or the hospital’s regulations. I – the laboring person – became merely a vessel, someone whose body was not only incapable of this task but was actually standing in the way of the birth. The best thing I could do was lie still, make as little noise as possible and allow a higher authority to do the job for me.

I had imagined my son’s birth to be a sacred passage from the world of my womb into the world of my arms. What it ended up being was a violent extraction. Still, four years later, my body grows cold when I remember it.

There is a language for this – for the feeling that something awful was done to you, for a lingering suspicion that you were abused or molested in some way. It’s called obstetric violence and it is considered to be the most under-reported, under-studied, misunderstood forms of gender-based violence in the world today. It is defined as verbal, emotional, physical, medical or sexual abuse at the hands of a care provider during labor and delivery. That enormous range of possibility includes things such as being subjected to medical procedures without consent, being shouted at or hit, being restrained, being denied a companion and being sexually assaulted.

In 2018 the BMC medical journal published a paper entitled When Helpers Hurt, the only study of its kind to document mothers’ and midwives’ stories of obstetric violence in government hospitals in Colombo. Throughout extensive interviews, the researchers uncovered accounts of laboring women being subjected to racial slurs, physical violence, verbal abuse and even sexual misconduct on the wards of public health institutions. The study concluded that while Sri Lanka has a robust maternal health service, including a cadre of Public Health Midwives (PHMs) who provide crucial pre- and postnatal support, the quality of care during labor and delivery needs much improvement especially when it comes to the ethics of consent, respect, autonomy and dignity in the obstetric space.

But these changes won’t come easily. Part of the reason obstetric violence is sometimes referred to as a “silent epidemic” is because pregnancy and childbirth have become so routinely medicalized that everyone involved, from doctors to laboring women, tend to pathologize the process. Women in labor are referred to as “patients”, a misnomer that pushes the act of birth from a natural, physiological event into the realm of sickness, something that requires an obstetrician to resolve, or “cure”. And because we are so unaware of our rights in medical settings, it is easy for women to be abused under the guise of “standard” or so-called mandatory practices such as repeated cervical checks, episiotomies or artificial rupturing of the membranes (ARM), all of which are invasive procedures that require consent.

As occurs in many areas of healthcare around the world, what the institutions fail to provide patients in their care, individuals operating in a more informal and community based way can supply. When going forward into this potentially heart breaking pro-creative terrain, it is best to equip ourselves not with myths and illusions but with practical realities: proactive self-support and due diligence about what services are available and a combination of private and community based care will help bring about a better outcome for birthing mothers.

Gooneratne Memorial Library – A Legacy of Love, Learning, and Literature

Our husband and father, Brendon Gooneratne, passed away in 2021. He had had a fall on June 12th and was recovering in a hospital close to home, with excellent care and medical attention. We had been upcountry for 18 months, due to the ongoing pandemic situation. Unvaccinated as yet, we felt my parents would be safest out of the population density and congestion of Colombo.

Since March 2020, our family had a wonderful experience of lockdown, with the news on the television or via the internet being the only intrusion. I had not spent so much time with the family for years, due to work commitments in Australia and in Sri Lanka.

It was fabulous: sitting on the verandah in the mornings and evenings, growing the herb garden so that the pasta sauces he loved would have fresh basil and oregano in them, sourcing home-baked bread rolls from Colombo to have with our soup, chatting about books we loved, taking out board games, watching old movies, listening to music from the 1950s, remembering past travels, discussing the crazed antics of Donald Trump, sighting Lotan sunbirds in the garden via the iridescent flash of their wings.

These days were blessed. Radiant sunrises and soft twilights and dusks. The year turning towards summer. At the start of lockdown, I was missing travelling and the adventures of traversing physical landscapes in the world. A year and a half into lockdown, I set these adventures and my desires for them aside, to a point somewhere in the future. Human beings are adaptable and resilient. That’s why we have survived so well, as a species.

My father recovered well from the surgery, and we were looking forward to him coming home to us. Unfortunately, an infection developed in his lungs late in the second week of June, and quickly spread systemically, so fast that it could not be stopped.

On Father’s Day, 2021, we saw him in life for the last time. We spoke to him, said everything we wanted to say, and held his hands.

He was a great friend to all of us and a tremendous encourager in the challenges of life. Once, at a terrible time in my own life, I felt like giving up after a series of back-to-back calamities immediately following the loss of someone I dearly loved. My Father did not tell me to get over it or count my blessings. He said, ‘It’s true that you have had a lot to contend with lately. But you know, you haven’t yet seen the range of experiences life offers us all. Life brings us a wealth of opportunities. Don’t make a decision on insufficient information. Life goes in cycles, and this period will pass and good will come. Hold on, and keep going, if you can. We will give you all our support. It’s worth it, believe me.’

As a family, we have a million memories of things we did together, with concerts and films, jungle trips and whale watching. The early morning rounds to watch animals, drinking hot tea made with condensed milk before sunrise, star gazing and the smell of kerosene lamps at night, the sunrises on the East Coast, the visiting of caves and ancient sites, the viewing of the fireworks on my birthday. The slightly clumsy parcel wrapping of our birthday gifts, and the huge cards to express his big love.

Brendon Gooneratne was interested in so many things that he was fascinating to talk to. For the last 18 months in lockdown, we had a wonderful companion to share movies music and political discussions. We enjoyed cooking him some of his favourite foods, from his student days in England. He loved Italy, and Italian cuisine, and was very sad when the kind and genial proprietor of Dolce Italia, Colombo, passed away recently.

He was a physician, a writer of several books, a renowned cricketer as a young man, and a wildlife and conservation activist. He wrote his personal memoirs in 2016, and this book, titled ‘The Good, The Bad and The Different’, details some of the interesting life experiences he had: his extensive travels, the personal lessons learned in his professional life, his enthusiasm for history, archaeology and the natural world, the lively opinions he had of the people he encountered.

Most people live a life defined by their professional vocation. Indeed, life is such that there is little time for us to actively pursue or engage in anything other than practise the profession in which we operate. But my Father was able to engage in multiple spheres of professional activity and follow and fulfil a number of interests throughout his life.

When Brendon Gooneratne passed away at the age of 83, he left behind a treasure trove of books and journals that had been his lifelong companions. His journey as a book collector began during his school days in Colombo, and he continued to nurture this passion throughout his remarkable life. His love for reading was a legacy he shared with his wife and both of his children and over the years, we, too, developed our own personal libraries.

Now, we, his widow and daughter, are embarking on an endeavour in his memory – the creation of the Gooneratne Memorial Library (GML) in Haputale, Sri Lanka. This library brings together the literary treasures of four individuals: Dr Gooneratne himself, the academic library of Professor Yasmine Gooneratne, rich with works of Commonwealth Literature, the collection of myths and legends and classic fantasy and science fiction of our late son/brother Channa Gooneratne, and the 18th-century satiric prose and extensive modern poetry collection of our daughter/sister, Dr Devika Gooneratne. Situated within the serene surroundings of our family’s hill country home, the GML is a tribute to our family’s enduring love for books.

Our family has had the privilege of living and travelling in various parts of the world, which is reflected in the GML’s special collections. These collections include materials from India, Australia, and Britain, in addition to a wealth of resources related to Sri Lanka’s history, wildlife, cricket, and athletics, all of which held a special place in Dr Brendon Gooneratne’s heart. While he was not a creative writer himself, he deeply appreciated and enjoyed the imaginative works of others, both contemporary and classic.

The GML is not merely a library but a sanctuary for reading and research. Our doors are open by appointment to all who seek knowledge, and we provide a serene and conducive environment for quiet reading and intellectual exploration. The library does not lend books but offers reading access to them free of charge to readers, students and scholars. It has been established primarily for the people of the Uva District, to complement the resources provided by the district’s schools and universities.

Located within what was once a tea plantation, the GML is surrounded by manicured lawns and a cultivated garden. Its windows reveal wonderful views of Sri Lanka’s stunning mountain landscapes. The trees surrounding the estate are home to diverse wildlife, from colourful birds to playful monkeys. The entire area is a haven for naturalists.

The Gooneratne Memorial Library is a testament to our family’s enduring love for literature and a tribute to the patriarch of our family and his remarkable life. It stands as a place of knowledge, reflection, and appreciation for the world of books, open to all who seek the joys of reading and the wonders of exploration of the world in which we live.

Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Severing Of The Social Contract

This weekend, it was three weeks since the commencement of the atrocities in Gaza. In these days, which are also traditionally the buildup to some of the holiest days of the year in Jewish, Christian and Hindu faiths, we are being told about and shown some horrifying video footage of human suffering and cruelty inflicted on vulnerable people.

In Sri Lanka, we are geographically removed from the current theatre of war. But anxiety is high that this conflict, if not contained, will explode outwards to encompass the entire world. Do we watch, while schoolyard bullies duke it out? Like every viewer of a thriller action movie which contains scenes of extreme violence asks themselves, who do we identify with, in the scenes we see on the screen?

How is World War 3, which appears to have started, different from the previous two? For a start, in 2023, citizens with the aid of personalized technology have the power to document and broadcast and interview people at the frontlines without the intervention of mainstream media.

We have mobile phones, WhatsApp, Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook, all with video and audio capability. Until the governments shut down the internet, as they did in Gaza over the weekend, people could tell their stories and show the world outside what their situation was like, and generate insight and empathy.

To see a person in the rubble of their home, injured and bereaved, the life they had built in shards and ribbons, is a powerful contrast to the self-justifying framing narrative of perpetrators of violence against them, calling them ‘animals’ and not human beings. Every human being wants to live: to survive and if possible thrive, and flourish. We can all recognise the devastation of other human beings and the destruction of their dreams and hopes when we see it.

The problem with viewing events via digital media today is the prevalence of falsification: are we sure that what we are seeing is actually real, or is it augmented via technology, and photo shopped, in some way? Is it happening in real time, to real people? Or is it old footage from a couple of years ago, or footage taken from another context? Is reality being misrepresented to us? Not in error, but deliberately, in order to spur us into rage, or an emotional state in which we are easy to herd? Are our real emotions being cynically manipulated, by the use of triggering images and incendiary statements which are then subsequently ‘walked back’ by news commentators? Where do our feelings come from? Where do they land?

What on earth is ‘proportionate response’ to mass murder? How is it defined? How is it measured? How is it being justified?

The second major difference in this conflict is that the citizens of many countries are openly expressing their disagreement with the policies and actions of their own governments. 14 countries voted to continue the conflict, and 120 countries (Sri Lanka amongst them) against. Of the 14 countries whose leaders want to pursue genocidal aggression, although it is described by its perpetrators and apologists as ‘self defence’, huge rallies of citizens can be seen forming in their capital cities, protesting that the ordinary citizens caught in this conflict have human rights which must be recognised and protected.
As the countries in which these protests are forming call themselves ‘Democratic’, to shoot down these protestors, to silence or gag or otherwise interfere with their civil rights would expose them as hypocrites.

Thirdly, it is important to note that social media is a huge factor in forming public opinion. What began 15 years ago supposedly to enable the creation of community through technology, to enable communication and the dissemination of information, is now exposed as operating in opposition to those ideals through its frequent misuse.

Misinformation is deliberately put forward through mainstream media channels, and amplified intensely by social media commentary and the way it has been constructed to inflame and weaponise human reaction. It is far easier to react than to think and evaluate, and we have as a species begun some time ago to respond to this coercive manipulation: to offer ourselves up to be tracked and formed into voting blocs, via our viewing preferences, and our likes and shares.

Critical thinking is not taught in schools, colleges and universities, and as it is not possible for us to be physically present at all events in the world, we rely on the media reporters and commentators to represent the events to us, as they occur. Bias and prejudice have tainted these representations, and hardly any media platform is truly objective in its presentation of world events. Selection of content and exclusion of content and deliberate diminishing of some aspects and heightening of others, omission and distortion of facts, and conflation of unrelated events, and false/forced analogies and equivalencies have all eroded our direct relationship with the reality of the world in which we live.

We are living in a state of perpetual cognitive dissonance which is volatile, distressing and uncomfortable. We increasingly see events done in our name to which we have not given our consent, and which we feel powerless to stop. And this feeling of powerlessness leads to disengagement and passive resignation. It is dangerous, to be relegated to the status of a sightseer in the world today.

Governments who act in brazen dismissal and arrogant contempt of the wishes of the citizens who elected them and still call themselves ‘Democratic’ are clearly exploiting the theory of the Social Contract on which democratic governance is based. They seem to treat the voting citizens as a group of people to be lied to, flattered with false promises at times of election, and blatantly ignored between elections, once the numbers of votes have delivered the mandate they need to rule.

It is notable that countries who loudly call themselves ‘beacons of democracy’ and valorise people’s rights in theory are the ones who most aggressively violate people’s rights if they conflict with their own pursuit of power. It is not enough to ask leaders of countries like this to recognise the rights of their voting citizens, and to actually represent their true beliefs honestly and accurately.

It’s a contract. To ensure that democratic systems operate well, the citizens of these countries must educate themselves, using the resources available to them, and look at the difference between the actions of their leaders and the words on the slogan boards and the promotional advertisements. We must look for our information beyond the comments threads on social media.

Only then can the contract be made more functional. Effort is required. To see what is happening around us, past the spin and below the surface, to think and to act accordingly. What we think is what informs our actions. It is a form of protest. It can help to save the world.

Monday, September 4, 2023

So Out Of Touch

Photo courtesy of Sky Sports

The recent incident after the final of the Women’s World Cup Football event highlighted some issues that are not likely to be glossed over or erased. The behaviour of Luis Rubiales, President of The Royal Spanish Football Federation, in forcefully grabbing a member of the winning team, Jenni Hermoso, and kissing her on the mouth without her consent in the glare of the global television audience ensures that his action was seen and commented on by millions of spectators.

Hermoso is on public record as saying she did not give her consent to this and that she has been pressured behind the scenes to back down; her defiance, supported by her team members, has ensured that the issue of consent is in primary focus. But underlying it in this public forum is the entitlement men feel to interrupt, interject, overshadow and hijack the limelight from talented and dedicated women and tainting their rightful pleasure in their achievement.

Australian media commentator Jessie Stephens has pointed out that the behaviour of Rubiales was a demonstration of power and that this assertion of his presence at the expense of the women who are being recognised in their industry and by their global fans is felt as “undermining and mortifying” and a “distraction” from what should have been the focus of the event. Annabel Crabb commented that “The women of the World Cup displayed nothing but merit. Extraordinary feats of skill. Good behaviour on and off the pitch. All for about a quarter of the pot available to the men in Qatar last year. And yet, they were overshadowed again and again by second rate blokes.”

The second class status accorded to women in patriarchal societies is very evident in Sri Lanka. But women who have achieved success and recognition in the country are not known to speak out against unwarranted acts of male assertion. They do not want to be labelled as “difficult” or “making people uncomfortable”. People pleasing is part of the social acceptance that women sign up for at birth in South Asian countries: to smile and be continuously understanding, gracious, self effacing and forgiving while men throw tantrums all around them.

Such concessions to substandard male behaviour have of course only consolidated its acceptability and normalised the occurrence of it, both in terms of micro aggressive behaviour, such as men continually interrupting and talking over women in a corporate or academic discussion session or taking up too much time on a panel and leaving no space for the women present to show their capability and expertise.

Many of the notably few women who are in positions of authority and leadership in both the public and private sectors in the country are also not trailblazing on a daily basis on behalf of the rights of women. They have often reached their high positions by adopting male codes of behaviour and by sinking their differences or grievances without trace and burying hatchets rather than contesting harassment or belittlement and by playing by these rules are publicly held up as examples of their organisation’s progressiveness.

The Women’s World Cup incident is being called a significant part of Spain’s #MeToo movement and as such is being seen as evidence that progress and evolution are needed in the country’s traditional attitudes towards the gender roles. The winning teams were all playing a game which is seen as traditionally masculine and the action of grabbing a winning athlete and kissing her on the mouth is being seen as a way of putting women back in their place.

And what was their place? Not standing triumphant on a podium but being manhandled and pushed aside, effectively diminished at what should have been a moment of triumph and pride.

Taylor Swift, the phenomenal young American musical artist, was in the middle of her acceptance speech at the VMA ceremony in 2009 when Kanye West pushed himself onto the stage and literally took the microphone from her to dramatically state: “I’mma let you finish, but Beyoncé had one of the greatest videos of all time”. Beyoncé herself was visibly shocked by his words and actions and he clearly was not authorised to speak for her. So he was belittling both women at the same time, whatever he may have thought he was doing on that stage. Beyoncé later on invited Taylor Swift on stage during her own speech to accept the acclaim which was denied to her by Kanye West’s rudeness and offensive entitlement.

Kanye later released a song “Famous” in which he claimed that he “would still have sex with Taylor Swift” and that his actions had made “that bitch famous”.

We could see this kind of behaviour as the last gasps of a dying and dreadful culture. And the responses of both Swift and Hermoso have added a great deal of value to the awareness of the unacceptability of such conduct. Swift is now dominating the popular music culture on a record breaking tour and her words are no longer being interrupted but listened to in interviews and documentaries. In one of these interviews, she revealed that on that night of the VMAs, it was hard to hear on stage and in the fury of the moment, and when she heard the booing coming from the crowd she had thought they were booing her, not Kanye. As these are awards voted for by the public, she was devastated at a moment that should have been a career highlight for her.

On another occasion, Taylor Swift had been standing for a photograph at another awards night when a music executive put his hand under her dress and groped her body. She filed charges against him, with statements of eye witnesses and photographic evidence, and successfully sued him for harassment and sexually inappropriate behaviour.

Swift is now in her thirties and she started writing songs and recording in the music industry when she was 14. She also recently turned the tables on Scooter Braun, who had sold the masters of her early music when the contract she had signed was fulfilled, selling her songs, among that of other artists signed to that company, for $300 million, thus denying her control over her own work.

Swift re-recorded her own albums and called them Taylor’s Version and took back control of her music. It was a great decision both in terms of business and branding but also personally as an artist; she could revisit the songs on the records she had made on her journey as a singer-songwriter and understand herself in that former state and enrich her delivery of them in the present day. Swift does not need a record company or music executives as she deals directly with her fan base, which is so large that it numbers hundreds of millions of fans all across the world, and is a voting bloc in the upcoming US election.

Similar leverage is being exerted by the Women’s Football team in Spain, who are refusing to participate in any further events until Rubiales resigns. He has gained points in the short term amongst the masculinity warrior movement for defiantly refusing to resign but has been suspended by FIFA. He is not apologetic. Defiance, after all, is a sign of strength in masculine culture and apologising is seen as weakness. Unapologetic is regarded as admirable but it is also problematic.

Change in behavioural codes in such a public sport as World Cup Football, which has a devoted fan base and is seen by many as almost a religion to its devotees, will be publicly significant. What happened this year was a public affront.

In Sri Lanka, it will probably take longer to raise the standards of acceptable conduct by men in positions of authority. And it will happen not so much on a public podium but in the everyday processes of professional life, in the various industries in which skilled and dedicated women are now taking a more prominent and visible part.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Status Anxiety

The recent case of a school student poisoning her classmates in order to have a better chance of securing the coveted title of Head Prefect in her batch, is really eye-opening. Apparently the identity and actions of the perpetrator were clearly visible on CCTV Camera, so all that remains is ascertaining the reasons for the choices made by the person which resulted in her classmates being hospitalized.

Perhaps due to her young age, she may not be charged with attempted murder, but the intention to cause harm to others seems evident from the reports published in the papers.

Unacquainted with the details, the public speculates about the possible reasons for such extreme action, and some observations may be made on these speculations.

Context is important, and the immediate context of both the school environment and the family of the perpetrator will probably be looked into. The education system is inevitably competitive, and the position of Prefect is one which carries with it respect, and has high social status in the community at large. The title looks good on a Resume or C.V., and is a cultural shorthand to any prospective employer that this individual can be trusted to behave with a sense of responsibility, and integrity, and work as part of a team to offer leadership to their peers and younger students.

The contrast between this expectation and the actions of the student in this incident is striking. Was the position so highly valued, that the student felt that causing harm to her competitors for the role was justified? And if she had not been discovered, how would she have conducted herself subsequently, in interactions within a group of peers she had attempted to harm?

And within the perpetrator’s family of origin, what social, moral, cultural and religious values had been taught and instilled to this student? And what values had been embodied by her parents and other adults in her extended family?

We live in a world where people flaunt wealth, beauty, status and external signs of material success in a compulsive quest for recognition. This can take the form of trying to grab by any means valuable property that is not your own, or attempting to discredit your work competitors in order to clear the field for your promotion, or assassinating the character of someone you feel is taking too much social space, in a group you are part of.

Had this student been influenced by management thinking, which urges us to focus on our goals, and not be distracted by any other consideration? Had she been impressed by the values of dedication, focus and hustle and grind, and determination to keep our eyes on the prize, which are at the basis of so much motivational content on Instagram and Tik Tok?

Lacking in such training is the inclusion of the legal concept of foreseeability, which means that a person who has committed an act which causes harm is assessed, to see if they could reasonably be expected to understand that their actions would adversely impact others, or conceivably result in damage and harm to their community.

Understanding of Self must be balanced by awareness of the Other, in every religious training and doctrine that is valued in our society. An action such as this, imagined and put into effect, shows an imbalance in this equation, an assertion of Self which negates the Other, and which in fact seeks to erase the others, who are perceived only as rivals, and obstacles in the path of the individual’s quest for success. This imbalance calls for awareness and correction.

Counselling is indicated. But will it be offered, and successfully undertaken? These impulses to achieve and be recognised are natural, and understandable, especially as we are growing up: we want things to go our way, we are full of passionate intensity, rivalry and ambition. We measure ourselves against others. We feel jealousy, and envy, even if we do not admit it, out of pride. But learning to manage and regulate our emotions, particularly the destructive ones, is an essential part of our moral education.

Global society, fuelled by social media and the Internet, is flooded with materialistic and superficial values. A person’s worth and value seems to many of us to be defined by appearances and by numbers: a person’s physical appearance, their clothes, the size and location and interior decoration of their house, the amount of money they earn or have in the bank, the holidays they can have each year, the popular following they have on social media platforms, measured in Likes and Followers - and their titles: their educational titles and their job titles.

Jealousy and rivalry can lead us to erase and diminish the achievements of others. There was a fellow student at the University of Sydney who told me that when her Law results came out at the end of the year, and they were published on boards in the Main Quadrangle, someone had liquid papered out her results next to her name because they could not bear to see how well she had done.

Perhaps this incident in Sri Lanka - which has taken place in Primary School and amongst ten year olds - and the public disbelief and concern it has evoked, can help us re-evaluate the standards of conduct which we find unacceptable, and prompt us to remodel our ideas of what we as a community most highly value.

Critical thinking and self reflection and self evaluation could be taught in our schools, particularly for those students who apply for leadership positions. Ambition on its own, and even ambition allied with academic ability, are not enough to constitute a good Prefect. There needs to be awareness of the need to control our own feelings and wishes, and question their validity, rather than indulging them and justifying them.

What we learn in our formative years created the people we become as adults. The greater status we hold, and the more authority we are entrusted with, the more responsibility we have. And the more damage we can do.

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Sing Your Life

The last time a famous singer was attacked on social media was 7 years ago. Kishani Jayasinghe, the renowned soprano, chose to sing a beloved national song in a European style at Galle Face Green on the 68th Independence Day and received thousands of poison pen letters and threats to herself and her family.

In this case, Umara was not singing on a national day, but singing the National Anthem at a cricketing event. And offence has been taken at a national level.

Umara made one error on one word, singing ‘mahatha’ instead of ‘matha’. The words of the National Anthem are beautiful even in translation, and powerfully express respect and devotion for the Motherland. So this word change altered the meaning significantly.


When we love something or someone devotedly, as human beings we find it hard to accept any deviation from the standard of perfection which we have endorsed all our lives. It is part of our identity. It should not be altered or adapted in any way. However, as we are all human beings, we should compassionately understand that we are all capable of human error.

What is described as ‘severe backlash’ constitutes some major hate speech. Sri Lankan people like to vent. The anthem itself in Verse 2 speaks of the good characteristics we have as a people. Strength. Faith. Sentience. Wisdom. Very little evidence of these noble qualities are seen in the negative comments directed at Umara: Compassion? Equanimity? Loving Kindness? Empathy? Generosity?

Why would any singer of the stature of Umara deliberately disrespect the country? No one wants to make a mistake, no creative artiste wants to make mistakes after so much training and so many rehearsals, and no one wants to make a mistake in a public forum. So why should an honest error made by a fellow citizen be judged so harshly? What are people who are commenting so stridently really exposing about themselves, while vehemently expressing this public condemnation?

Is it really patriotism? Is it frustration, at the disrespect shown to ideals and aspirations the nation holds so dear? Or is it less admirable - is it a shameful, powerful desire to scapegoat a female performer? To think and assume the worst, and give ourselves licence to opportunistically vent our personal grudges and dislikes onto a public figure? What does it show about our national character, to be so quick to blame, punish and accuse?

The respect we all have for the Motherland should be extended to compassion for her daughters as well.

I think the reason for the violence of this backlash is that this incident has occurred at a critical time in the country’s pride and sense of self worth as a nation. Last year, we did not look in the mirror with pride. In the disruptions of the global pandemic, we experienced hardship and suffering.

The lyrics of the National Anthem describe a land:

‘Plenteous in prosperity...
Laden with grain and luscious fruit
And fragrant flowers of radiant hue
Giver of life and all good things’

Sri Lanka in 2022 was, in sad contrast to these lyrics, stricken with an escalating economic crisis, and shortages of fuel and even essential goods. ‘Joy and victory’ seemed far away, before we could see ourselves as a ‘mighty nation/ Marching onward’.

Recovery is clearly happening in 2023, but the damage done to national confidence was severe, and the anxiety and even humiliation and shame people felt, cut deep. In the context of that, national symbols like the Flag, and the National Anthem, and the principles on which the country sees itself as founded, are intensely revisited, and fortified, as part of rebuilding ourselves.

Survival mode is what is prevalent. The lyrics from the Anthem ‘beauteous in Grace and love’ are not to be expected at this stage, but in what we hope for, and work towards. The national character in a more economically stable and prosperous nation, with accountability and effective governance, would more accurately reflect our ideals for ourselves.

But we can start now, to rebuild that national character, by refraining from acting in a way that defiles us, even on social media, which many say should not be taken seriously, although public policy pays attention to it, and the damage done to reputations on its forums is severe. As part of rebuilding ourselves better, we should surely be careful to avoid acting with ill will, even in retaliation to a perceived harm to our national identity.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Seen And Not Heard

Image Credit: ‘Departure Of The Winged Ship’ by Vladimir Kush

As an immigrant from South Asia myself, I have heard with great interest the commentary on Shankari Chandran’s Miles Franklin win, for her third novel, ‘Chai Time At Cinnamon Gardens’. Much of the commentary has come from the author herself, in interviews which have been widely quoted by the print media.

The first phrase to catch my ear was the phrase ‘Trojan Horse novel’, a phrase Shankari Chandran herself used in describing her book. The phrase ‘Trojan Horse’ is generally used to describe the infiltration of a country or a site by an enemy who appears to be legitimate but whose ill intentions are disguised. The phrase carries connotations of deception, strategy and cunning. Used by the author of the book, it suggests that the book, set in an elders’ home full of senior citizens, may seem to be sweet and gentle, but is in fact full of very confronting material.

But it strikes me that the connotations of the phrase can also apply very effectively to successfully assimilated immigrants in general. Many people in countries which have taken in immigrants suspect the immigrants of being less than forthcoming, and more than meets the eye. They look different, and under their similarities of learned adaptation to mainstream culture, may think very differently from the citizens in their host country. This visible external difference, not being understood, can be seen to be a source of tension, unease and distrust.

And these differences need to be admitted and addressed, in the context of the upcoming Referendum on The Voice. Because immigrants and the right they have to speak up in Australia is also part of the public discussion about who is Australian, and how we can co-exist in a country which is founded on invasion and immigration.

Shankari Chandran’s comments at meet and greets at book clubs held in libraries and at literary festivals in the buildup to the Miles Franklin Award have been forthright and clearcut. She states that she was told by publishers in Australia that Australian readers would not be interested in reading about the lives of her South Asian immigrant protagonists. And she states that ‘this was really upsetting, and a repudiation of my place in Australia,’ and that it caused her to feel ‘rage’ at the complex situation in which she was placed, as a writer. Her upset and rage can certainly be understood, both personally as a migrant who ‘does not have access to her ancestral homelands’ in Sri Lanka, and professionally as a Human Rights lawyer.

Shankari Chandran is identified in Australia as a Tamil Australian author, not as a Sri Lankan author. And this distinction has been respected by the journalists who have interviewed her. Her family had been driven out of their country in the 1980s, and for her to call herself ‘Sri Lankan’ now would be to disrespect that truth. Her honesty and the balanced and judicious way she speaks about these matters, of ‘navigating race and identity every day’ in Australia in her life as an immigrant, has prompted me to do some recollecting of my own.

Here is the highlights reel: 

I’ve been thinking about ‘dark horses’ and ‘Trojan Horses’. When I worked hard to develop some basic skills in Maths, in 1981, I was awarded the highest academic accolade that a student could be given in my school in Year 10: Dux of the Year. I remember my Maths teacher saying to me, ‘You’re a dark horse, aren’t you?’

Years later, on a ferry trip from Holyhead to Ireland, a merry Irishman hailed me cheerfully as ‘Hey! Black Beauty!’ Neither teacher nor ferry man intended offence. But yes, to them in different ways I appeared to be a dark horse.

I think back to the former Australian Prime Minister known as ‘ScoMo’ and his phrase ‘Quiet Australians’, and the photographs shared on his social media showing how much he enjoys cooking Sri Lankan chicken curry (made famous on Master Chef Australia) for the women in his family, but whose political party blocked Sri Lankan refugees from achieving asylum.

I remember John Farnham’s song ‘The Voice’ and Moving Pictures’ song ‘What About Me’. Topping the charts for so many weeks, way back when. Let’s remember some of the lyrics of ‘The Voice’:

That song is part of ‘Whispering Jack’ - which remains the biggest selling record album in Australia to this day. 

I remember how another ‘Voice’, the great soprano Joan Sutherland, described as ‘The Voice Of The Century’, expressed herself forcefully, when she was asked to have her passport and identity papers renewed by Asians, on the subject of immigration and its consequences in Australia, in 1994:

‘I used to have a British passport, and it really upsets me that I don’t any more. It also upsets me that it is such a damned job to get an Australian passport now - you have to go to be interviewed by a Chinese or an Indian. I’m not particularly racist, but I find it ludicrous.’ 

I register the Tampa Crisis and the ‘Children Overboard’ saga that swept John Howard and the LNP into power. ‘Refugees don’t look like us or think like us, or feel like us. They would throw their own children overboard, to get into Australia.’ ‘Tampa affair’ | Australia’s Defining Moments Digital Classroom | National Museum of Australia.

Yet, concurrently, information about the Stolen Generation, and the growing Reconciliation movement, made mainstream Australia begin to empathize with the First Australians. ‘We’re all someone’s daughter. We’re all someone’s son.’

I remember the 2000 Sydney Olympics and the uproar when Cathy Freeman chose to run in front of a global audience with the Aboriginal flag along with the Australian flag on her victory lap when she won the 400 metres. Cathy Freeman was warned not to carry the Aboriginal flag at the Olympics.

I recall Yassmin Abdel-Magied, former Queensland Australian Of The Year, and how her social media comment on Anzac Day got her drummed out of Australia. The haters are still out there, and voting in this upcoming Referendum. 

And how Stan Grant, speaking up recently about the late Queen and the colonization over which Britain presided, and its impact on his people, attracted so much hatred.

The Voice Referendum is a significant moment for immigrants to Australia.
I have been thinking about how I, now a columnist in Sri Lanka for four major publications, both in print and digital media, never spoke up publicly about any of these issues while growing up in Sydney. As immigrants, we may wonder if our citizenship will be taken away if we criticize our host country, an uncertain status inhabited by many immigrants who were forced to leave their countries of origin by the prevailing regimes. Some wonder if they will be heard or read when they speak, or write. Others (depending on their specific cultural experiences) worry that they may be jailed or killed.

What are the lines of acceptable public criticism? Who is permitted to speak up, unapologetically? What happens to those who cross the lines of what is deemed acceptable? Many immigrants are living productively in Australia in preference to the countries they left, in which their human rights and dignity were not only suppressed but aggressively and continually violated. Australia, with its rule of law, and respect for democracy, less racist than the USA, less classist than the U.K., seemed like the best option out of all the so-called First World Countries. (Canada was too cold.) After the White Australia Policy was revoked, in the early 1970s.

In the light of all this, I was struck by Shankari Chandran’s forthrightness in the interviews she has been giving, associated with The Miles Franklin Award win for her recent book, and her honest exposure of the frustration she had felt when her first two books were rejected for publication on the basis that with South Asian protagonists they would ‘not be of interest to Australian readers... they were not Australian enough.’

Much has clearly changed, in Australia in the past decade. And if we look back on the last 25-30 years, we can see that the complex and conflicted attitudes many Australians hold on these matters can be seen in a series of public incidents and comments which we can all recall. Perhaps now we can view them not as a series of one offs, but as part of a pattern. A pattern which shows growth.

First off, let’s look more closely at the phrase ‘Trojan Horse’. It is an allusion to Greek Mythology, meaning ‘a person or thing that joins and deceives a group or organization in order to attack it from the inside.’ It carries connotations of infiltration, deception, cunning and strategic camouflage. Can immigrants speak, contribute, gain recognition in modern Australia untainted by these residual connotations? Or are we always to be slightly suspected, looked at askance, and seen as ‘dark horses’?

We need to look into each other’s faces, in a modern pluralistic nation. This is why Pauline Hanson pulled her offensively performative burqa stunt in Parliament. How can we know what people are really thinking, if we can’t see their faces? Can outsiders ever really be trusted? And can they be openly recognised as representing the best values of their adopted country?

How do we recognise and reward immigrant contributors to Australia? Is it merely ‘affirmative action’ when an immigrant individual of great calibre is awarded the Order Of Australia 20 years before their Anglo-Celtic counterparts? If people who were ‘here first’ feel comparatively unrecognized, are prizes and awards in a state of scarcity in the country of Australia? A country so prosperous surely cannot have a fear that there is not enough to go around. Can it?

When ‘What About Me’ hit Number One on the Australian Top 40 in 1982 it really struck a chord.

I remember the respected statesman Kim Beazley commenting to the media re: immigration that his mother used to say ‘there’s always room for one more’. A comment promptly mocked by some sarcastic bystander as having come to him in a pie shop, as Beazley was publicly attempting to address his own generous girth at the time with diet and exercise. Australian irreverence for authority, right there. But also a shared human understanding. Sometimes we all ‘want our share, we want more than what we have got.’

Growing up in Australia in the 1970s and 1980s, my generation was governed by Labor Party policies, presided over by first Whitlam and then Hawke and Keating, with their progressive opening of Australia to Asia, and the visible growth of multiculturalism. It was done at some speed, and too fast for many Australians, who felt unconsulted. This gap between public policy and individual anxiety was mined by Pauline Hanson and One Nation in the mid 1990s and ever since.

Winston Churchill is famous for his speeches. And in one of his famous statements, back in 1937, he said this:

This ‘evolutionary/survival of the fittest’ thinking was probably endorsed - silently - by many Australians who felt ties to ‘the Old Country’. But Darwin had commented on the ability to successfully adapt to changing circumstances as being the reason for the evolutionary survival of the human species. This is the challenge that modern Australia faces today.

One of my childhood friends, now a Supreme Court Judge, has a mother who once expressed to me her anxiety that the ‘Anglo Celtic values of Australia were under threat’, as a result of the increase in immigration. My friend said to me in response that her mother’s political opinions should not be heeded because they were prompted by whatever she had had for breakfast.

Some Anglo European Australians quietly complained to me that the suburbs of Sydney like Chatswood and Epping were now excessively populated by South East Asians, and thus not so pleasant to live in, any more, with all the rude, jostling, jabbering crowds.

Were immigrants bringing their violence and their societal problems with them? Were our neighborhoods changing for the worse, because of our own lack of enforcement of our rights, and our misguided generosity? Were we inviting in Trojan Horses? I listened, in silence. But I began to ask myself questions.

Did we ask where Aboriginal people were, when we were attending University in Sydney? We never met any. There were no indigenous students in the Department of English. Where did they live? Why were their settlements so remote? Why did so many have English names? Were they allowed to enter University on a quota? Were they getting accorded special status and access because of their heritage of cultural erasure and dispossession? My Asian Australian students reading Noel Pearson’s speech for their HSC English courses in the early 2000s did not know at first that he was an indigenous man. He was so eloquent. So loquacious. So articulate.

In the context of this collective uninformed ignorance, and despite the Howard Government’s refusal to apologize for or even admit to historical wrongs, and comments made about ‘black armband views of history’, the move towards Reconciliation got traction between the Bicentennial and the 2000 Olympics. Movies like ‘Australian Rules’ and ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’ were made. Christine Anu, a Torres Strait Islander, sang ‘My Island Home’. Yothu Yindi sang ‘Treaty’. Midnight Oil sang ‘Beds Are Burning’, and Paul Kelly sang ‘Special Treatment’ and ‘From Little Things, Big Things Grow’. Songs of protest and celebration amidst a public silence.

At Graduate Law School at The University of Sydney in the mid 1990s, when the tutor mentioned the well-known aggression towards indigenous people shown by colonizers and settlers, one young man, a direct descendant of landowners, vehemently denied that such grotesque atrocities had ever taken place. Not on ‘his’ family’s lands, anyway.

And this was in the context of The Mabo Case, beginning in 1982, and being decided in 1992. Speaking of ancestral homelands. Where Indigenous land title rights were first claimed, and upheld.

In history class at school we viewed archival footage of a politician giving a man a handful of sand. It was a progressive school. We studied Asian Social Studies. And in Year 10 History, our teacher asked us to do a special interest project showcasing a world issue of human geography which had an Australian aspect. I chose Genocide as my topic. And the Australian section of the project focused on the treatment of the Australian Aborigines. Since I have lived in Sri Lanka, I see that the pictures of First Australians look very similar to those of the Veddas, the indigenous hunter-gatherer tribes of Sri Lanka. The Geopolitical and Genealogical experts will tell us this is because long, long ago Sri Lanka and Australia were attached geologically, linked with India in the supercontinent called Gondwanaland. But not many Sri Lankan immigrants to Australia today will be aware of that, or comfortable admitting that very likely connection, even if it shows in their own family photograph albums.

In Australia, in my opinion, human decency is the shared territory, the ground we all stand on. Solid Rock. Sacred Ground. Terra Firma. Because all of us understand what that means, whether we have lost access to our own, or had ancestors who have taken it from others, or are living on ground taken from the First Australians, in our suburban houses with our nature strips and community parks.

That decency I witness in the textured specificity Australians now show in referring to First Australians not as a homogenous block, but by their individual tribal identity names and respecting the specific areas in which they live and work, and acknowledging the elders that have presided there, in their Acknowledgments Of Country, in email signatures and in welcoming speeches. Respect which is not superficial is shown every day in contemporary Australia to cultural diversity, and to spiritual difference - when programmes are screened on television, and photographs or images of ancestors of First Nations people are shown. A warning is always issued, before the programme commences, to protect people who are viewing the footage from inadvertently experiencing pain.

The colonizing settlers did not all come from privileged backgrounds. In fact, many Australian settlers and immigrants like those escaping the Great Famine in Ireland in the 19thC were extremely poor when they first arrived, and had to effortfully make a life for themselves and their families in an alien country. Post WW2, many were refugees from Central Europe, seeking refuge from the horror of the Holocaust and the famine and displacement that resulted in those years. The Vietnam War just two decades later coincided with a major Sri Lankan civil uprising in the early 1970s. The Civil War there broke out just a decade later in July, 1983. So many immigrants to Australia have a lot of disruptive experiences in common.

In recent years, in response to mass displacements caused by war and famine, there has been a movement towards a tightening of immigration restrictions across the world. People have to prove they can contribute, have skills the country needs, and have basic understanding of the history and culture of the country, as well as the English language, before being granted access to all the opportunities of the Lucky Country. Indeed, how can an immigrant truly assimilate if they cannot speak or read the primary language of the country into which they are being welcomed? Australians do not like social welfare parasites, coming in to take but with no thought of giving or contributing.

And now that we are all here, chewing the fat, so to speak, how long does it take to see people who look like us on mainstream television, and being honored by being called Australian Of The Year? Who wins the Gold Logie? Who represents the best of us? Can an immigrant aspire to that primary status? First access, then inclusion. It’s a process. But is assimilation required from immigrants at the expense of ethnic identity? Especially when that identity has itself been attacked and eroded in an immigrant’s previous homeland? Not in Australia, in 2023.

We now have a Sri Lankan Anglican Archbishop of Sydney. I wonder what the late Dame Joan Sutherland would have had to say, about that.

In the old TV series ‘Kingswood Country’, I remember Ted Bullpit’s wife saying the entertainer Marcia Hines had ‘Vegemite on her legs’. And a beautiful girl I knew at school who was of Fijian Indian and German heritage, was described by a boy from a GPS School in Sydney’s North Shore in my hearing as a ‘bush pig’.

The First Australians were not forcibly imported from another continent, but were already here. In possession. In occupation. And they may have been far more developmentally sophisticated, as the ‘Dark Emu’ controversy indicates, than Australians have previously known. They were invaded, and active attempts were made to obliterate their tribal culture, and when the word ‘genocide’, used by First Australians is objected to by decent, ‘Quiet Australians’, it is important that the revulsion all decent people feel towards such gross inhuman cruelty is felt and endured, prompted by programmes such as ‘The Australian Wars’ which screened last September on SBS. And it is important that this confrontation of myths and received wisdom that results creates new understanding.

What is required at this juncture is a revision of where we are, and a re-evaluation of what we mean by sacred ground. What ground was never ceded, what was stolen, what was taken by force? Who in Australia has access to their ancestral lands? Who is allowed to speak of these things, without backlash? What common ground do Australians have today, and what common ground can we create? In the face of the hierarchies we have been introduced to in our countries of origin?

Nugget Coombs said Australians need to heal the fractured foundation of their relationship with the Aboriginal people. Or they would create a misshapen culture, with what Richard Flanagan calls an ‘inauthentic heart’. 

John Pilger documented the fractures in the 1980s in his documentary ‘Island Of Dreams’.

Sri Lankan people don’t really make the news in Australia. Because of where they hail from, they are pretty good at avoiding controversy: trained from an early age to people please, and fulfil parental expectations. You see them everywhere, playing at being what a diaspora author described to me as ‘good little immigrant boys and girls’. You don’t hear them much. They are very polite guests. They often - in their home country - ‘sit in silence’. And they cannot ‘write what they want to write’.

Shankari Chandran said in an interview shown on SBS that she does not like her ‘gratitude being weaponised to silence her’, if she wants to speak up on issues that concern her in her country of choice, a place that she loves, and which is her home. She would not be able to write or speak the way she does in contemporary Sri Lanka.

‘Terra Nullius’ was an opportunistic concept and an outdated belief: overthrown as a guiding doctrine for legislation by the High Court in 1996. Australians have a history of challenging their own myths, and taking down even respected and lionized figures who have been found to have breached the rules of decency, high officials of the church and decorated war heroes included. I cannot think of another country which has investigated figures in their own public services and institutions and held them to account in such an admirable way.

Even the aforementioned former PM, the curry loving Scott Morrison, is being called to account for his conduct during his term serving in the highest office in the land. No one in Australia is above the law. We may all come from different backgrounds, but we agree to adhere to the same requirements of decent and responsible conduct.

Because of this, and because Shankari Chandran has now won The Miles Franklin Award 10 years after she was told books with protagonists and subject matter like that would not sell in Australia, I have hope that Australia will continue to progress. But this depends in part on the calibre of the public discussions leading up to the Voice Referendum.

The myth of the need for patriotic Australians to be ‘quiet’ needs to go, for starters. Since when are Australians cowering, hide-bound, compliant and conformist? We can see that people who speak up to challenge certain ideas often do so out of belief in a better future, one in which we can all be heard, and not only seen - and judged - on our appearance, and condemned by a one-size-fits-all stereotype.

Let’s agree in 2023 that everyone has the right to speak up, and speak out.

And that - in all fairness - there are now many ways of being Australian. ‘With the power to be powerful. Believing that we can make it better’. We do now have a ‘chance to turn the pages over.’ Listening to difficult historical truths from immigrant writers can help us listen to our own.

We can mend the fractures, and make the common ground solid.
We can make the common ground sacred.

And we can turn our natural human wish to ‘want more than we have got’ into a bigger wish for a broader common ground, and a deeper co-existence.


Many people have left or are in the process of leaving the country in search of what are generally believed to be ‘greener pastures’. Both ‘skilled’ workers and ‘unskilled’ workers are packing their bags and updating their CVs and Resumes and quitting the scene. I have been told by older generation colleagues and friends that this is reminiscent of what happened 50 years ago, and again 30 years ago.
People who stay in the country may feel wistfulness or envy at the sight of their departing acquaintances. Or they may rationally decide that this is an advantage for them, as it means that competition for positions will be less within the country, as the numbers are lessening in the bid for what opportunities there are.

Let’s keep in mind that those migrating overseas are not going into perfect worlds. Countries like Britain and Australia are currently logging infrastructural statistics which suggest they are in economic crisis, with health and education systems showing signs of systemic dysfunction; and living in the USA, with its race divisions and recent public political disruptions and climate extremes is nothing like the beautiful scene we are presented with, via movies and TV. The Covid era in particular has removed a lot of illusions and eroded many myths.

Put a person or a nation under stress, and you will see their flaws very clearly. But the most important act you can do at that point is not just identifying the causes of the problem, or assigning blame. The most crucial thing is to work out what you can do today, with what you have, whether as an individual balancing your household budget, or a country seeking to reduce deficits.

How do we collectively make our lives most meaningful and effective, each day? What can we make for our midday meal, for example, with the ingredients we already have in the cupboard? What can we do, to repair, restore, maintain and best manage the outstanding resources within the country - both natural and man-made? How can we use what is available to us, to become increasingly independent of the assistance of others?

Instead of criticizing those who are leaving, let’s seek to improve the conditions of life here in the country, and increase the incentives for those who have chosen to stay. Not just temporary monetary incentives, but societal improvements, and upgrades in professionalism and codes of conduct and moral accountability, in every industry and sphere of activity.

The curse of survivalist thinking resulting from constant crisis and upheaval is that people live from day to day, and do not plan for the future, as a viable future seems precarious and uncertain. But that very inability of exhausted citizens to invest themselves with confidence in the life of the country means that the energy they could offer, to build, to encourage and inspire, is withheld.

And it does not take long for survivalism to become opportunism. And that way social breakdown starts to occur, fuelled by an endemic sense of deprivation.

What incentives can we give ourselves, in a landscape where opportunity is not accessible to all? And how can we build confidence and pride into the foundation we need for the next chapter of our country’s story? Talent abounds, but human failings have operated without visible restraint, to restrict the development of people who feel unsupported and disadvantaged.
Short term solutions and transitory visions need to be underwritten by more solid growth creation instruments and engines. Then progress will be made across all sectors, relief and remedy can be experienced by the most vulnerable, and real momentum can be felt and seen.

The greenest pasture will become our home ground.

Sunny Side Up

Image Credit: Food Folks And Fun

And it’s tourist season and the screens of our smart phones and tablets and personal computers are flooded with YouTube videos and Instagram Lives and FB Stories created by influencers promoting the beauties of our island to people with USD and Euros to invest. They perform a very important role, because as a country we are recovering from some terrible disruptions over the past few years, culminating in the economic and political crises and petrol and fuel shortages of 2022, which made headlines all around the world. And everyone they are creating content for has a smartphone.

Friends visiting from Australia recently on their way to Europe had not prepared themselves by reading up on our natural history, cultural history or archaeology. They were seeking to escape the harrowing cold of early winter in the Southern Hemisphere. So the beauty and variety of the country greatly impressed them. They formed a very positive impression of the country, in just a few days.

We went to Galle, and they swam at the beaches, and we walked the cobbled streets and bought faluda ice creams from a street seller, and saw magnificent waterfalls in full spate because of the recent rains upcountry, and explored ancient rock temples. They looked up the history of the sites afterwards - and they managed not to fall prey to dengue or any other illness while they were here, so medical assistance was not required. The mass exodus of medical and health care professionals to better prospects overseas, may have caused unwanted problems for them, if they had needed help.

It’s important that those of us living here feel pride in the country. Seeing it through the eyes of visitors like this, helps. Sri Lanka is in an excellent position to attract not only high end tourists but also families in search of outdoor adventures like mountaineering and white water rafting and scuba diving; and it is a very popular destination with backpacking young people on a budget, looking for food and our famous Ceylon tea from roadside stalls, accompanied by spectacular views. I felt that my friends by not informing themselves of the history or background or context of what they were seeing were missing out on a richer cultural experience, one which we who live here also may not appreciate, amidst paying our utilities bills and budgeting for our grocery shopping!

My friends asked about arranged marriages, which is so difficult for Westerners to understand, about the frequency of Poya Day festivals and their significance, and why alcohol is not served on those days, about the eye-opening range of Sri Lankan food, and how ‘spicy’ does not necessarily mean ‘hot’. They were amazed by the range of fresh fruit and vegetables available in the country, and impressed by the local dairy industry, which produces some delicious products despite lacking the lush dairy pasture of England, Europe and Australia.

It would be wonderful if the influencers with their large followings on social media would go deeper into the history and culture of the country in their digital content creation. So that the viewers’ attention would not remain at a surface level of marketing and promotion, but so their curiosity would be prompted to explore further, to develop some idea of the lived realities of the people. Sri Lanka offers incredible sensory experiences and stunning landscapes and ecosystems. And these co-exist with historical events and incidents. It’s an intelligent marketer’s dream.

So often, especially recently, Sri Lanka has been in the international news for negative reasons.

Sometimes the promoters get it wrong, in their desire to attract ‘eyeballs’ to their channels: wearing unnecessarily revealing outfits for no apparent reason which could be relevant to the subject matter of what they are saying, apparently promoting themselves rather than what they are speaking about. They are doing the country a disservice by doing this, as it suggests the country itself is not enough without ‘eye candy’ to attract the interest of a viewer. They also do not do themselves or the subject matter justice if they use substandard subtitling, producing script which is full of errors, which detracts from the impact of what they are attempting to showcase. Some influencers also give the impression that the national parks and river systems are open and safe to travel and camp in, that the trains and bridges are safe to hang off, and the waterfalls are safe locations in which to shoot action footage, with little regard to regulations or safety rules, resulting in unfortunate accidents incurred by inexperienced travellers.

Making these errors, they are missing out on broadening their audience to include people who would be interested in seeing how such a small country could have such rich natural resources, and how different communities in the country live and work and co-exist. It would upgrade and raise the level of promotion currently on offer to give insight into people’s livelihoods and the challenges they navigate in diverse sectors, and also showcase their resilience and adaptability.

I would love to see future programmes clearly highlighting the national Libraries, the Museums, the Art Galleries and other public institutions which have managed throughout disruptive times to remain open and provide resources to our citizens. It would be great if the ancient cities with their incredible irrigation systems, and the lesser known temples and cultural sites and national parks could be signposted and made much of, as equivalent sites in other areas of the world are.

I am an enthusiastic subscriber to the World Virtual Travel initiative, which began during lockdown, and with the aid of Zoom technology and smart phones, I - along with hundreds of others - have seen South America, Spain, Italy, France, Egypt and Africa. Pyramids, Inca and Aztec cultural sites, sunrise at Macchu Picchu, the Art Deco buildings in Paris, the pastry shops in regional Italy, the Alhambra and so much more. These sites are opened up to a global audience in this way, very affordably. It is up to the viewer if they wish to tip the Guides. We can travel in cheerful and well informed company virtually, without charge.

We have so many monuments and buildings here in Sri Lanka of equal age, antiquity, beauty and interest, but which are little known, even to our own citizens. The country has produced some brilliant writers, artists, scientists, engineers and innovators whose biographies should be better known. By deepening our scope as creators, with research and lateral thinking, we could extend our influence to transform the knowledge and understanding of our own citizens as well as stimulate the interest of temporary overseas guests.

Let’s invest in ourselves as well as promoting the country.