Sunday, September 19, 2021


 Image credit: br

 It’s repetitive, like a meditation,

Following favourite recipes.

Particularly the ones which require the individual preparation of certain ingredients, one set at a time.


The onions must be pre-caramellized. The chicken pieces seasoned and grilled. The garlic pieces infused with hot water, to soften and sweeten. The eggplant blotted and salted. The tomatoes sliced into joyful rounds. Each item prepared, and set aside.


Then the layering takes place, and you know how to do it, what feels right, what goes where, and in what order. The optimal sequence is inside your awareness, you have tried and tested it, and given your assent. It’s instinct now. No need to consult the recipe. You can measure the amounts by eye, and by touch. You can sense the time each step takes.


The vegetables and pieces of meat, all cut to the same approximate size, are set out in a pattern as ornate as mirror work, the colours bejewelled and the shapes harmonious, at the bottom of the heavy, round pan. Then the fragrant, saffron-stained spiced rice is packed on top, and all is cooked on high heat till the rice boils and softens. For as long as it takes to clear the kitchen surfaces, and lay the table with clean plates and assemble small vases of fresh flowers, and to make a cucumber and yoghurt accompaniment, and put flatware and drinking glasses around each setting, and stand back and see if everything is right.


As you finish, the dish is complete. One pot, with everything in it. A feast, where the guests are favoured. No empty chairs at the table where this meal will be shared. Full plates. The chaos of the world outside recedes, against the onslaught of this domestic radiance. The completeness of the feeling helps to heal the brokenness the human race daily experiences.

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