Friday, December 20, 2024

Discernment Is The Feminine Power

I reflect on creativity and its cycles. I think of the phases of the Moon, and the ebbing and flowing of tides; and of the entire life cycle of all the growing plants which surround us, from seeds through buds and flowers and fruit. Women and the feminine energy we embody prompt and nurture the qualities of rejuvenation and resurgence, and renewal.

Where our capacity to choose has been diminished or degraded, or denied, the world itself loses its worth and value. The quality of the life we live, the beauty of its design, comes from the exercise of our discernment.

We choose who we collaborate with, in life, and love and work. We choose our partners and we choose how we raise and teach our children. We choose who we elect to govern us. We choose by instinct, and experience, as well as reason and wisdom, and it is our everyday acts of discernment which guide the quality of the life human beings live, on Earth. We select the seeds after each harvest which will be planted for the next Spring. We sort through the clothes and choose the linens for lighter or heavier weight, according to the seasonal variations in temperature. The quality of our collective sleep determines the health and vitality we all bring to the next day. We are the heart of the home; and the pulse of the body of every household.

We bring dispersed and forcibly scattered things together, weave straw into gold, make nourishing meals out of remnants and leftovers, decorations out of shards, and scenes out of elements. We are alchemists, and creation flows through us, from the roots in the ground, through our flowering crowns.

We make everything grow, and spring into life, like Queen Midases: every dry and spent and withered thing turns living green, in contact with us. From fragments, we weave, and we make what we are presented with into an entirety. We repair, we mend, we reset fractured bones and bring the dysregulated world into finer alignment, so it can heal, and renew.

We are a poultice, and our work is applied to the world, to draw out its toxins, and remedy its poisons. What radiant energy emanates from women! We leave a trail of glitter and sparks on the cold and broken, barren ground; and what we touch, comes to life.

We enable the human race to reset itself. We pick and choose. In our gaze, the disrespect and indifference of the manmade world falters. Cruelty folds in on itself, and reveals its utter littleness. We bring what has been pushed to the margins and the shadows, and reclaim the narrative back into the conversation, around the central hearth. We restore what has been interfered with, and set the tables for the feasts of life, whether simple or extravagant. We celebrate.

We learn to embrace our own seasons, and by doing so appreciate the inevitability of the rise and fall of all the energies available to us. We see and feel in the fullness of each life stage the silhouette and shadow of the cycle to come. With this ability, we are transformative, wondrous beings, choosing - with our divine discernment - the shape of the future.

We are not the power behind the throne. We are the power which should be openly recognised, suffusing every coronation. To affirm this today is to mandate our full political representation: to assert that women’s rights are majority rights, to give access to girls and women, to have authority to make decisions about their bodies and their minds through reproductive rights and educational awareness, skills and capacities.

Power is curved, creative, self renewing and female.

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